Monday, January 9, 2017

How much should a TMJ splint  (night guard) cost in Flagstaff, AZ?
First off it is important to know that the rubbery guard you get at your Flagstaff Wal-Mart store often does more harm than good.  The reason is that a "squishy" mouth guard, though good protection while playing sports, is a huge muscle worker during the night and can lead to a very sore jaw muscle or joint in the morning.  The $12 price is low but is actually worse than nothing at all to treat TMJ symptoms.
A "Hard Guard" as made at Flagstaff Downtown Dental decreases stress on chewing muscles.  Because it is made of hard acrylic it does not overwork your muscles. A guard works by keeping your muscles of mastication (chewing jaw muscles) from completely getting full force.  When your teeth can't completely come together your force exerted by your jaw muscles is greatly diminished.
Flagstaff Downtown Dental has made hundreds of Guards and guarantees results! The cost at this publishing is $750. Our guards are custom made and are of the highest quality. Compare this to Phoenix dental office prices of well over $1000! Visit our web site or call (928)774-1168 to visit us just a block north of downtown Flagstaff