There are several ways Flouride can be useful for decreasing dental decay. There is little to no flouride in Flagstaff' city water supply.
1.The first way is to consume(swallow Flouride for your body to absorb. This is useful for children that have teeth that are still developing(ages 12 and under). The Flouride is formed as a less soluable mineral in your teeth (Flouroappetite) that is less vulnerable to acid which promote tooth decay.
.25-.5 mg /day depending in a child's weight and age is the ideal dose according to research.
2. The second way Flouride can prove useful is to rinse and spit. Rinsing for 1 minute followed by no eating or drinking is particularly useful for adults that have exposed root surfaces and anyone that has a high rate of dental decay. (Because there is no hard shell of enamel covering root surfaces they can decay more easily.)
3. Flouride Treatment in the office. A concentrated use of fluoride .
4. Flouride toothpaste. Another way to absorb a harder enamel surface to prevent decay.
The above are general guidelines for the use of Flouride. Each person is a indivdual case and it is recommended that you get advise and guidence for what would be best for you or your family by seeing your dentist or Dr. Bacon at 902 N Beaver St. in Flagstaff, AZ. More information can be found at
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